16.8 C


Ontmoet vir Geraldo – uitmuntende musikant

Ek ken die jong man. Een van George se beste kunstenaars - in teendeel die hele Lewis familie is kunstenaars van formaat. Die man het 'n pragtige stem, en 'n storie wat jou gaan inspireer. Hier is Geraldo se storie - geniet dit. Soms gooi...

Meet Sabrina Horn

{"TRAIN UP A CHILD IN THE WAY HE SHOULD GO,AND WHEN HE GROWS OLD,HE WILL NOT DEPART FROM IT"} Psalm 22:6Sabrina is a 27 year old George local with a heart for the marginalized youth of South Africa. After completing her studies in consumer sciences...

George Landbou Skou 2023: ‘n Feestelike Blyk van Landbou Prestasie en Kultuur

Vanaf 24 tot 26 Augustus vanjaar, sal die George Landbou Skou weer sy hekke oopmaak vir besoekers van regoor die land. Dié gewilde skou, wat vir 163 jaar bekendstaan as 'n belangrike gebeurtenis op die Suid-Afrikaanse landboukalender, beloof om 'n onvergeetlike ervaring te wees....

WhatsApp Allows Users to Edit Messages

COMING SOONWhatsApp, the popular messaging app,is finally rolling out a long-awaited feature: the ability to edit messages. Users can now edit any message they have sent within 15 minutes of sending it. To edit a message, simply long-press on the message and select "Edit."...

Job Hunting: Networking With Others is the Keys to Success

You can never underestimate the power of networking. Often success is directly proportional to the size of the social circle. Whether you are looking for an entry level job or wanting to climb the career ladder you will need some kind of networking savvy...

REMINDER ON STATUS OF George Municipal By-laws still open for Comment

Issued George Municipality,  22 May 2023George Municipality has since last year reviewed a number of existing and/or drafted new by-laws for a number of directorates. The by-laws allow for an individual municipality to regulate the affairs and the services it provides within its...