What is LoveGeorge

LoveGeorge stands on two legs. Both is LOVE. One is the verb LOVE and the other is the noun LOVE. The first leg is LOVE for the area. “I love living in George” because of the beauty, the sea, the mountains and forests.

The second leg is the LOVE for the people of the region. LoveGeorge wants to become the hands and feet of the community of George. Our vision is to work  with people and orginisations already working in the George community with our ultimate aim to heal and uplift our community.

LoveGeorge News is also an online community portal for the community of George and the Garden Route. With more than 71 000 members on our Facebook group Georgiete Staan Saam,  which I co-own with Pieter Niemand,  we found that the group is very busy and that there is a need for an online news portal as well as a formal structure through which we can serve the community of George.

LoveGeorge NEWS is all about GOOD UPLIFTING NEWS from George and surrounding towns. We love our city and know it has the potential for something GREAT!

With our App you will be kept up to date on what is happening in George and the Garden Route. You will be able to read the latest good news in the Garden Route and also be informed about needs that might arise in the community of George.

With our PUSH NOTIFICATION system, you will receive Emergency alerts on your smart phone, special events notifications and notifications that will improve your living conditions in George. All these notifications can be changed as and when you decide on what you want to receive on your smart phone.

Join us now and LOVE GEORGE.