Why I love George


I got up at around 4am this morning. I slowly opened my eyes, sort of stuck in a pleasant dream. My feet flop out of bed and my body soon follows. Halfway to the bathroom I stumble over one of my cats trying to walk in front of me. The cat jumps out of my way looking at me like I’m the crazy one… I open the tap and ice cold water starts running out. I hold out my hands to scoop some of the cold water up towards my face in the hope that it will restore some of the previous days energy.

By now it’s become clear that today is going to be one of those days. I stand for a moment and consider getting back into bed. I almost do… but this comforting thought is soon interrupted by the sharp crow of my next door neighbours rooster, reminding my to get on with it. “Ok already bird, I’m up!” I get dressed for my daily workout and leave for the gym. Driving down the road I still feel like going back to bed. At the traffic light I meet a group of cyclists. “Lovely morning for a workout!” One of the cyclists calls out to me. I wave in return and go on my way. I noticed that I did not pack my water and decide to stop at a 24 hour. 

As I take the turn into the parking area I hear music and can see a few of the petrol attendants having a good time dancing. I take a parking spot and get out of my car. “Mornings maneer!, beautiful daggie vandag?” I acknowledge him with a smile and in a low tone reply “Yes, but I’m barely awake.” He looks at me with a wide smile and points towards the shop. “Niks wat n lekka koffie nie kan solve nie” I giggle at his comment as I turn to enter the store. Again I am met by an assistant that is friendly and full of life. I slowly start feeling better about my decision to get up. I buy the item I came for and leave. On arriving at the gym the friendly treatment continues. 

As I go through my training session I notice the dark blue line of daybreak appearing on the horizon. In no time at all its light out and the working day starts calling. I leave the gym driving home slowly, enjoying the cool breeze after a good workout. Our picturesque mountain goes by slowly in the background as I drive home. It gives me that “Hollywood” feeling for some reason. It truly is a lovely morning as everyone has been saying. On my way I can hear all the people aside the road laughing and I see smiling faces everywhere. From the runners to the people on their way to work. The rest of my day is filled with people being friendly and helping each other. The day goes by in a flash but don’t be mistaken as any day goes it carries its own challenges.

Fact : The people of George makes a hard day seem easy to face.

I have travelled around South Africa and have worked in many different towns and cities. People let me tell you, what a town we have. There is a certain feeling here that you don’t get too much anymore. The last time I got this feeling was while playing finals in a rugby match. Even though all the players are from different backgrounds and cant get along on some days we still pull together as one. This makes me feel that nothing can stop us from achieving anything we want. That is what I find in George.

Great people, great mountain, great sea… what’s not to love?

I truly love George and all its people.