Life Through Movement


“Biokinetics is a primary health care treatment in the medical industry and together with Physiotherapy, Chiropractics, Sports physicians and others, forms part of an integrated holistic approach to treatment. Each with its own place and own role in the physical rehabilitation process. If you are unsure of which professional to see, any professional in these industries should be able to direct you.”

Jarryd Carter, a Registered Biokineticist, shares with Love George and its readers what Biokinetics is all about. It is definitely not a new health care treatment within the medical industry but for some of us, we are still quite unaware of all its purposes and benefits.

So, for starters, what is Biokinetics all about?

What does this strange word mean, basically? It’s a tough one for most people, but in simple terms, Biokinetics means Life through Movement (Bio = Life, Kinetics = Movement)

Biokinetics is the Science of movement and the application of exercise in rehabilitative treatment of performance. Biokinetics’ primary function is to improve physical functioning and health care through exercise as a modality. Biokinetics is the profession concerned with health promotion, the maintenance of physical abilities and final phase rehabilitation, by means of scientifically-based physical activity programme prescription. (Biokinetics Association of South Africa website)

So to put it in simpler terms, Biokinetics uses exercise and movement to treat people where exercise can make a difference to someone’s quality of life.

Who is Biokinetics for?

Biokinetics is for everyone, as everyone needs to move for health, wellness and sports performance.

Some of the Biokinetics movements as demonstrated by Jarryd.

Biokinetics can be divided into 3 main areas, all of which, Biokineticists are trained and equipped to treat people from all walks of life. These 3 areas are Orthopaedic injuries or developmental issues, Chronic illness, and General wellness.

  • Orthopaedic rehabilitation is a rather broad area of treatment, and it will be for anyone who has general physical aches and pains, has injuries, needs post-operative rehabilitation, and is looking to improve physical performance for sport-specific programming or is looking to prevent injuries or improve posture.
  • Chronic exercise rehabilitation is the area focused on the long term, generally non-communicable diseases such as heart conditions or surgery, and neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s Disease, etc. You will also find that exercise plays a huge role in treatment for different metabolic diseases, such as Hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, etc.
  • Wellness is the third and final sector of Biokinetics. Here we are focused on general wellness, such as weight management and fitness testing for self-maintenance and certain medical aid benefit schemes (e.g. Vitality Fitness Assessments).

There are also a few areas that tend to befall into more than one specific category, such as exercise during and after pregnancy, child exercise programming, and exercise for the elderly.

Where did my passion for Biokinetics come from?

My, Jarryd Carter, own personal passion and drive for rehabilitation started when I was younger and fell in love with sport and movement in general. Through the years I picked up my fair share of injuries while playing sport at competitive levels from young. It was through this that I found my interest in the medical process of rehabilitation. And I decided to take the route of Sports Science and Biokinetics because I wanted to be involved everywhere possible where exercise and movement are the major areas of focus and primary tool to get people the quality of life they deserve through getting up and moving.

Specific to the chronic illness side of things, it was through seeing the difference in people’s lives, as a student, that I began to love it. There is nothing quite like watching a smile return to someone’s face who has lost hope when they achieve something they never thought they could ever again.

I also have a massive desire and drive to help athletes and future athletes get to their optimal level and reduce potential injury risks. My expertise from a sports perspective range from almost any ball sport, such as squash, tennis, hockey, cricket etc., to just about anything else, like running and cycling.

Considering Biokinetics for yourself or someone you know? Listen up!

Biokinetics, being part of the medical industry, is thus also aligned with all major medical aid schemes and plans, and is covered by all medical aids, provided you have medical aid savings.

If you feel like Biokinetics could be of assistance to you or perhaps you would just like to find out more about Biokinetics, then where should you start?
There are a few places you could go, the first should probably be the Biokinetics Association of South Africa website (, here you can find everything there is to find out about Biokinetics, including where your nearest Biokineticist is. Otherwise, you can go check out my personal website at, where you find out a bit more about me, what services I offer and any contact details you may need.

To get in touch, find out more or just have a chat to see if Biokinetics can help you pop me an email on or call me at 064 550 3189.

Jarryd Carter (Registered Biokineticist)

Jarryd Carter Biokineticist (PR: 0731595)