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Update Ballots Bay/Meulen River Sewage Spill/Victoria Bay report back

Issued George Municipality, 18 February 2020Ballots Bay/Meulen RiverWater sample analysis results in the sea at Ballots Bay indicate levels well within acceptable levels for intermediate contact according to the Recreation Use Quality Guidelines issued by the Department Water Affairs – which means it is...

Ballots Bay/Meulen River Sewage Spill

George Municipality herewith confirms that a spill has occurred on the Meulen River located on the outskirts of George,  following a blockage on a sewerage main line and emergency procedures have been initiated. It was subsequently determined that the Meulen River (Ballots Bay) incident...

Joint clean-up in Rosedale

George Municipality Department Environmental Services joined forces with the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs to clean-up an illegal dumping hot spot next to the N2 in Rosedale. Workers from the Community Workers Programme (CWP) and Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP) assisted in the...

Illegal Dumping causes flooding

The heavy rainfall of the past few days has raised the level of the Garden Route Dam but at the same time highlighted the complications caused by the ongoing illegal dumping of material into stormwater drains. Following a flood of calls regarding storm water...

Garden Route Dam Level Update – Monday 20 January 2020

Persistent solid rainfall from last week Wednesday (15/01) to today (Monday 20/01) has led to the dam level for today reading 89% with a total rainfall of 148mm recorded.The official dam reading is calculated every Wednesday by the George Municipality and will be provided....

Specialised jetski will get to drowning people quicker

George Fire and Rescue has recently added a specially modified rescue jetski to its fleet to complement its water rescue capabilities. George Fire Chief Neels Barnard said the watercraft had been modified to withstand breaking wave conditions and was fitted with a rescue sled. “The...