Illegal dumping is illegal dumping?
Illegal dumping is anything you throw away in a place where it does not belong.If you know who is dumping illegally, report them to 044 801 6350 or or 044 801 6300 (a/h).
Information that will help the case...
Protection Services where it matters during Covid-19
George Municipality Protection Services remain the backbone support of Covid-19 lockdown operations with all sections playing a role in keeping people safe.George Municipal Manager Trevor Botha said Fire and Disaster Management, Traffic, Law Enforcement, Anti-Land Invasion and GO GEORGE played crucial roles in the...
George libraries closed to public from tomorrow Covid-19
Following a directive from the Western Cape Library Services, George Municipality libraries will be closed from tomorrow, 20 March 2020 as per Covid-19 measures. Books can be returned to the library through the slots provided at the doors.This measure has been amended from the...
Municipal-related implications of Covid-19 for tourism and outdoor spaces
Municipal-related implications of Covid-19 applicable to tourism, tourism-related services and recreational open spaces are as follows:The Wilderness Tourism office will be closed from Monday 23 March 2020 as a precautionary measure to protect staff and visitors. The small office does not allow for social...
George Municipality implementing COVID-19 actions
George Municipality Acting Executive Deputy Mayor Charlotte Clarke hereby confirms the measures the municipality is taking in regard to the Coronavirus. “The George Municipality assures all residents, communities and visitors that the George Municipality is closely monitoring the Coronavirus crisis in relation to the...
George Municipality hosts SAICE at significant water provision sites
The George Municipality hosted the South African Institution on Civil Engineering (SAICE) for a tour of some of the municipality’s significant water provision infrastructure last week. The visit was planned as the start of National Water Week activities and an Open Day at selected...