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The POPI Act and how it will effect you

Helene Viljoen (Eloff) explains how the POPI Act will effect us. Especially news. 

Die Slag van die Taxibestuurders

In die jare toe netjiese here nog hoede gedra het, was dit gebruiklik om, wanneer jy by ‘n voetoorgang in Parys ‘n taxi sien, jou hoed vriendelik te lig vir die taxibestuurder. Dit was, inderdaad, tot nog ‘n paar dekades gelede ‘n tradisie in...

Touch Rugby league in Blanco

Zeal Men's Ministry is proudly launching our first community project, a touch rugby league for Golden Valley in Blanco!We have challenged ourselves as a small group to run 500km combined in a single day next week Saturday (13th of February 2021). This will serve...

Alternative Sport opportunities for kids

Since last year with the start of COVID-19 and lock down in South Africa, the school curriculums and routines have been changed abruptly. And that included the sports as well. With many kids being home these last few months, it's been a bit of...

The Homeless of George

January the nineteenth saw the first online Town Hall meeting on the Georgiete Staan Saam Facebook group. Herman Pienaar who is the co-owner of the the Facebook group, said that he will be running regular online meetings to discuss issues that is of importance...

It is time!

“The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”In 2021 - It is time. It is time to choose life. It is time to...