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Getting ready for ANY interview!

Interviews are pretty daunting.. but unfortunately they’re an unavoidable step in any job application.Wouldn’t it be great to walk into an interview knowing exactly what to expect, what to wear, and knowing the ins and outs of interview etiquette?Well read on!  Here are our TOP...

When was the last time you checked your CV?

Your CV is the first step in any interview process, so it needs to set you apart from other applicants and leave a lasting impression on the interviewer. An untidy or disorganised CV probably won’t make it through 10 seconds of review, even if...

About Mastering It!

“A dynamic initiative…” – Best description of Mastering It.Mastering It, a business that was started January 2020 to offer people a platform that empowers them to master their own Education, Life and Career prospects. We have a passion to see people get equipped and/or...

The importance of Education

Speak to any student about their academic year 2020 and they would be sure to highlight some challenges - more than the usual of course. We all followed the news reports regarding when students can and cannot attend school. It's been tough and challenging, no...

Home School Teaching Success: Habits of the Mind Series Part 1

How do you define success? What do you want your children to know, be able to do and value? Imagine being able to go to the people who you see as the most successful and ask them, “HOW!?” Well, there was a group of academics who...

3 Ways to See Your Children’s Understanding

Every home school parent and teacher can tell you that the worst thing isn't when you've spent 20 minutes explaining something and then asking your children if they understand and they respond, "No." The worst is our kids saying, "Yes, I get it," and you...