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Tuinedal Somerfees

Somerfees Basaar28 Oktober 2022 Vanaf 17:00kwaliteit produkte: hamburgers, sosaties, pannekoek, kerrie & rys, basaarpoedings, groente, goeie koffie,'n Wit olifant tafelPrima geselskap Lewendige agtergrondmusiek 

Water Restrictions implemented to protect drinking water for George

Water Restrictions implemented to protect drinking water for George Issued George Municipality, 25 January 2022, for immediate releaseWater Restrictions are necessary to protect our water resources The George Municipal Section 80 Civil Engineering Services Committee today, 25 January 2022 approved the implementation of Water Restrictions similar...

Please donate!

Support us so that we can support the community.On a daily basis we receive requests for help from families across the city. It varies from people who just got laid off and need food or houses that were destroyed in fires and also requests...

3 Amigos Mossel Bay to George Relay Challenge.

Three challenged athletes, one goal.On the 25th May 2021 at 07h00, three people living with disabilities will attempt to build a "Bridge" between Mossel Bay and George by participating in a three man relay. CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE PLEDGE PAGEPieter Koekemoer a police...

A Drive for a Cause

"Ons is 'n lieflike aftree oord en versorging sentrum vir bejaardes. Ons pragtige sentrum is geleë in die hartjie van die Tuinroete in George."Tuiniqua Care Centre has been caring for the elderly members of George community for over 35 years. We are a registered...

Fundraiser Request

Let LoveGeorge assist you in raising funds for needy people in the George Community.All submissions and requests will be verified and inspected.Please complete the form below. Once we receive the form , we will verify and then publish your request.