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Journaling, Time management and achieving Success

This article was written by Dr Francois du Toit, as per the interview done with Radio CSA (https://radiocsa.co.za/).“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” - Abraham Lincoln The idea of journaling might sound...

Discussion on Modern Agriculture

The article was written by Ryno de Swardt, as per the interview done with Radio CSA (https://radiocsa.co.za/).Looking at the term sustainable, the definition states that when something is sustainable it is possible for that to be maintained at a certain rate or level and...

Paying off debt when earning R12k per month

Getting some financial input and tools from Brett MacKay from 10x Investments (www.10x.co.za). The purpose of this article is not to provide financial advice but rather educate people on finances where we can. To be honest, there is no real shortcut to clearing your debts...

The Perfect Time To Stay In Touch.

Some great insights from Brad Austen from MiSure (Insurance Brokers - https://misure.co.za/) on the current COVID pandemic and the impact it is having on us socially and financially. A word of encouragement. One of the hardest aspects of this crisis is this social distancing required...

Renault stel sy jongste Mégane RS bekend

Die 300 Trophy is vir die eerste keer by die 2018-motorskou in die Franse hoofstad Parys bekendgestel; die eerste RS Trophy wat gebaseer was op die Mégane II RS, het in 2005 op die mark gekom, slegs nege maande na die bekendstelling van die...

Suid Kaapse Motorfiets Klubs doen hul deel vir welwillendheid

Hoewel grendeltyd beweging van mense en voertuie gekortwiek het, het dit geensins die geesdrif en entoesiasme gedemp waarmee motorfiets klubs inspring waar daar tekort is nie. Sedert die verslapping van die bepreking op beweging het verskeie klubs welsyn projekte van stapel gestuur en elke...