15.8 C


Elevator Speech

Deliver An Elevator Speech That Grabs Attention and Has Them Begging For More!When someone asks you what you do, do you stammer and stutter, then spurt out a label or winded explanation that meets you with a glazed-over look? Discover how a powerful elevator...

Embrace Change

I listen to people talk around me, some are going back to the office, some will continue working the new "hybrid" way for a while. Others will work from home now permanently. Businesses have changed, office space have changed, management styles had to adopt,...

5 Questions to Help You Get to Know Your Customer

Know Your Customer – 5 Questions You Must be Able to Answer About Your Target CustomerEvery business owner should know their target customer like they know their best friend. Best friends know more than just passing information about each other; they know their friend’s...

Earth’s Population Statistics in Perspective

The population of Earth is around 7.8 Billion.If you condensed 7.8 billion into 100 persons, and then into various percentage statistics the resulting analysis is relatively much easier to comprehend.Out of 100 : 11 are in Europe 5 are in North America 9 are...

Exploring smart City opportunities for City of George

George Municipality recently partnered with the Africa Business Network of the Finland Chamber of Commerce, the German-South African Chamber of Commerce, the German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce and the Western Cape Economic Development Partnership to host a webinar on 15 March to explore aspects of...

City of George, proud hosts of hundreds of swimmers from the province

One of the highlights in the sports and tourism this past long weekend, of which the City of George is proud, was the successful hosting of the SA Regional Level 3 Swimming Gala at the Conville Swimming Pool from 17 – 20 March 2022,...