14.6 C


Road Upgrades in George

Spending must take place to avoid loss of grant funding.George Municipality has been inundated with comments regarding all the road upgrades taking place throughout the city in the past few days and this is understandable, considering the impact on all road users. George Municipality...

Wenke vir Kombuis

Ek is baie lief vir kook. Van kleins af het ek probeer en baie foute gemaak. Partykeer wou die honde nie eers eet wat ek gemaak het nie. Klein foutjies kan 'n hele ete sommer net sleg maak. Te veel sout, te min sout,...

What does it take to be a GREAT leader?

https://youtu.be/zFEXA2VOR5IVusi is a consummate speaking professional! On and off stage. He doesn’t just talk business – he lives it. For real, he walks, talks and breathes it! You see he does more than simply inspire revolution, he’s the guy that initiates it. He has...

Ontbyt saam met Zane Meas

George Landbouskou Manne oggend.Kom geniet ‘n heerlike ontbyt saam met Zane Meas Donderdag oggend 25 Augustus 2022 om 8uur – Kaatjies @ R 180 - Manne Ontbyt met Zane Meas - Computicket BoxOffice (computicket-boxoffice.com)Zane, bekend vir sy rol in onderandere 7de Laan...

South African Buttermilk Rusks

Article by Kit Heathcock Rusks in South Africa are part of the cultural identity – one of the things that exiles in a foreign land long for. Children are brought up on Rooibos tea (a herbal bush tea) and rusks. South African rusks are of...

Energy Crisis Response

Response to South Africa's ongoing energy crisis by Pres Ramaphosa.Fellow South Africans,Tonight, I want to address you about the energy crisis that is confronting our nation. During the past three weeks, severe load shedding has disrupted all of our lives and caused immense damage...