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Ontmoet vir Geraldo – uitmuntende musikant

Ek ken die jong man. Een van George se beste kunstenaars - in teendeel die hele Lewis familie is kunstenaars van formaat. Die man het 'n pragtige stem, en 'n storie wat jou gaan inspireer. Hier is Geraldo se storie - geniet dit. Soms gooi...

7 Secrets For Beating Writer’s Block

Most people can easily identify with the dreaded "writer's block". It is a well-known phenomenon that just about everyone has faced at least once in their lives.I (Shaun R. Fawcett) used to suffer from writer's block, big time! Thus, I know through personal anguish...

5 Basic Copywriting Tips to Get More Readers

Research! The first thing you should do is do some research.You should know what kind of article you want to publish, what impact you want to achieve, how long it will take, and what kind of audience you will be targeting. You need to...

Vakansiegangers in die Suid-Kaap

Met die afgelope week se skoolvakansie wat aan die gang was, kon mens dit ook sien op ons strande en op die nommerplate van karre wat ons dorp deurry. Herold's Baai het verseker 'n paar ekstra voete geniet en die toue het maar gestaan...

Where we found a Home

For many South Africans, George is a holiday dream destination for Decembers. The beaches, mountains and surrounding areas are reason enough for that! But for other South Africans, George accounts for more than just the mountain, beaches and surrounding - it accounts for a place...

Ouers se lock down uitdagings – 2

Mastering It en Mariska Knoetze het dit goed gevind om tydens die lock down, wat reeds Maart die jaar begin het, ‘n Video reeks aan ouers beskikbaar te maak wat verskeie relevante kwessies rondom Lock down aanspreek. In hierdie onderstaande artikel deel Mariska meer oor: A....