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Personal Growth

From the mouth of an Insurance Broker

"It is the life experiences and lessons that teach us the most." Brad Austen, an Insurance Broker for the last 20 years and currently at MiSure in George, shared some valuable insights with Jean Jooste during an interview on Radio CSA. MiSure is a...

Paying off debt when earning R12k per month

Getting some financial input and tools from Brett MacKay from 10x Investments (www.10x.co.za). The purpose of this article is not to provide financial advice but rather educate people on finances where we can. To be honest, there is no real shortcut to clearing your debts...

Selective Perception and Reading

Picture accredited to CSG Mens Our brains are hardwired to look for things we want, need or like. A widely used example to prove this fact is that of a colour. In this case I will be referring to a car. Your favourite car is...

Give your gift away.

Every successful person out there spreads the message of giving. The common term goes, “The more you give, the more you will receive.” Right.., I barely have enough to get myself through the month. Living paycheck to paycheck, what is there left to give?I...

Life is Simple – Just Learn the Rules

As I start stacking the wood to begin a braai fire I take a look around and realize that I have ready all the items I need. The items are also positioned in the exact places that best suit my style of fire making....


Overthinking Synonyms: brood, consider, deliberate, despond, dwell upon, fret, gloom, grieve, lament, languish, meditate, mope, mull over, muse, ponder, reflect, repine, ruminate, sigh, speculate, stew over, sulk, sweat out, sweat over, think about, think upon, worry, focus, peruse, speculate, scan, revolve. (https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/293798-synonym-for-too-think-too-much/) (Mar 7,...