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Ontdek die Hoogtepunte van die 2024 George Landbouskou!

Die jaarlikse George Landbouskou is weer op hande en beloof ‘n naweek propvol opwinding, vermaak, en landbou-avontuur vir die hele gesin!Wanneer: 29 Augustus tot 1 September 2024 Waar: George Landbouskou, GeorgeDie koel weer van Lente maak plek vir die warmte van geselligheid en die George Landbouskou...

George Agricultural Show 2023: A Spectacular Success

George, South Africa - September 5, 2023The George Agricultural Show 2023 concluded on a high note this past weekend, leaving attendees and participants in awe of the impressive showcase of agriculture, sports, and entertainment. With an attendance of close to 11,000 people, the show...

Exciting Showcase of Youth Agriculture: The Jersey SA Youth Show

Agriculture holds the key to our future, and nurturing the next generation of farmers is crucial for the sustainability of this vital industry. The Jersey SA Youth Show, scheduled to take place on Wednesday, August 23rd, at the George Agricultural Show, is a remarkable event that...


Deur Ferdi Alberts (Pluimvee - George Landbouskou)Ons hele lewensverhaal is een van mededinging en kompetering.Baie mense het vermoëns van die liewe HERE ontvang wat hulle mededingend en kompeterend maak, maar ongelukkig is daar mense wat nie hierdie vermoë of gawe ontvang het nie, wat...

Meet the Cape Flats mom steering kids away from gangs and towards food gardens

Luke Daniel from Business Insider published this amazing article of a woman making a huge difference in her community. It is well worth the read. Link to article - Read original article here Please head over to the original article and like it.A...

Ons hou weer skou!

Op Woensdag 13 April het die George Landbouskou 'n bekendstellings geleentheid gehad en aangekondag dat die plaaslike Lanbouskou weer vanjaar aangebied gaan word. Die Skou vind na 'n afwesigheid van 2 jaar agv Covid, weer plaas vanaf 25 to 28 Augustgus 2022.Al die normale...