About Mastering It!


“A dynamic initiative…” – Best description of Mastering It.

Mastering It, a business that was started January 2020 to offer people a platform that empowers them to master their own Education, Life and Career prospects. We have a passion to see people get equipped and/or people sharing their knowledge and skills with others!

As the owner and founder, Maryke Jooste, would say:

“We are all on the journey of lifelong learning, whether we want to be or not and whether we are engaging in it or not. Growing up and going to school, many of us didn’t learn necessary skills for our education, life and/or career. How to do our taxes, how to build up a good credit score, how to buy property… Instead we tried to imitate what we had observed others doing or how we thought things should work. It’s a case of trial and error and figuring things out as we go along.

But wouldn’t it be better to be connected to people that can advise and help?
People that have gone through the journey, made mistakes and have lessons we can learn from?

It’s a biblical value and blessing to rather do life together than on our own!

I wouldn’t want to do life in any other way.”

There are many aspects of an individual that never stop growing and developing – our intellect, knowledge base and skill set. We all can improve and give back in these aspects!

Therefore, at Mastering It, we partner with a variety of people that are experts in their field and want to assist others.

Our services ranges from:

– Extra classes & Study Skills classes

– Life Coaching & Life skills workshops

– Career Aptitude Tests & Career Coaching

Services are available for different age groups, can be done face to face or online and are flexible to adapt to different people’s schedules!

Because of COVID-19 we also started with outdoor Zumba and Primary sport sessions. This is great fun and a great way to get to meet other people with similar interests to yourself!

We are passionate about people and will continue to invest in them!

Find more about us here – www.masteringit.co.za.

Or on our Facebook & Instagram pages.

Feel free to browse around on our blog, a newly started initiative (June 2021), where we share tips, insights and encouragement for your Education, Life and Career ventures! We are looking forward to sharing the journey with each one of you!