8% Electrical Tariffs Increase



George Municipality will be implementing an average electricity price increase of 8% and various electricity tariff structure changes from 1 July 2022 – these changes can impact what you pay for electricity and how you use electricity in your home or business in future.

  • Small Domestic and Commercial tariffs (that is pre-paid and conventionally metered Consumers) will in future be linked to the capacity limit of supply they choose
  • Consumers who are willing to manage their loads within a capacity limited to 20 Amps single phase will be offered a subsidised tariff with no fixed charges.
  • All Consumers who require more than 20 Amp capacity will be charged a phased-in Cost Reflective Tariff with:
    • a Fixed Basic Charge,
    • a Capacity Charge depending on the capacity limit of the supply and
    • a lower Energy Charge.
  • Bulk consumers will all be moved to a Time of Use tariff.
  • Small Scale Energy Generators (SSEG) consumers will also be subject to fixed and Time of Use energy charges.

Further information on understanding the potential electricity cost and management of loads, and how to make a decision about the capacity you can choose will be provided. Keep an eye on our social media and the municipal website for further details.

George-munisipaliteit gaan ‘n elektrisiteits prysverhoging van 8% toepas sowel as verskeie tarief struktuur veranderings vanaf 1 July 2022 toepas. Hierdie veranderings gaan ‘n impak hê op wat verbruikers in die toekoms sal betaal vir elektrisiteit en hoe om dit te gebruik in die huis of besigheid.

  • Klein Huishoudelike en Kommersieële tariewe (voorafbetaal en konvensionele meter verbruikers) sal in die toekoms afhang van die kapasiteit limiet van die toevoer gekies
  • Verbruikers wat bereid is om hul vragte te bestuur binne ‘n kapasiteit beperk tot 20 Amp enkelfase sal ‘n gesubsidieerde tariewe aangebied word sonder vaste heffings.
  • Alle verbruikers wat meer as 20 Amp-kapasiteit benodig, sal ‘n infaseerde kostereflektiewe tarief gehef word met:
    • ‘n vaste basiese heffing,
    • ‘n Kapasiteitsheffing afhangende van die kapasiteitsbeperking van die toevoer en
    • ‘n laer Energielading.
  • Grootmaat verbruikers sal almal oorgeskakel word na ‘n Tyd van Gebruik tarief.
  • Verbruikers wat Klein Skaal Ingeslote Kragstelsels installeer sal ook onderhewig wees aan vaste en Tyd van Gebruik energie heffings.

Meer inligting sal voorsien word ten einde die potensieële impak op elektrisiteits kostes en bestuur van verbruik te verstaan en om ‘n besluit te neem oor die kapasiteit limiet om te kies. Verbruikers word versoek om sosiale media en the munisipale webtuiste dop te hou vir verdere besonderhede.

UMasipala waseGeorge uza kuphumeza unyuso lwexabiso lombane olukumyinge we-8% kunye neenguqu ezahlukeneyo kuluhlu lwamaxabiso ombane ukususela ngomhla woku-01 eyeKhala 2022 – olu tshintsho lungaba nefuthe kwinto oyihlawulela umbane kunye nendlela owusebenzisa ngayo umbane ekhayeni lakho okanye kwishishini kwixa elizayo.

  • Iirhafu ezincinci zaseKhaya kunye nezoRhwebo (oko kukuthi abasebenzisi abanezixhobo zokulinganisa umbane ohlawulelwa ngaphambili nabasebenzisi bezixhobo zokulinganisa umbane ngokwesiqhelo) kwixesha elizayo baya kudityaniswa kumda womthamo wonikezelo abalukhethayo
  • Abasebenzisi abakulungeleyo ukulawula imithwalo yabo ngaphakathi komthamo olinganiselweyo ukuya kwisigaba esinye se-Amps ezingama-20 baya kubonelelwa ngamaxabiso afumana inkxaso ngaphandle kweentlawulo ezimiselweyo
  • Bonke abasebenzisi abafuna iiAmp ezingaphezulu kwama-20 baya kuhlawuliswa, Ixabiso eliBonisa Iindleko elingenisiweyo nge:
    • Ntlawulo esisiseko esisigxina
    • Ntlawulo yomthamo ngokuxhomekeke kumda womthamo wonikezelo kunye
    • Ntlawulo yaMandla ephantsi
    • Abasebenzisi besambuku baya kufuduselwa kwiXabiso leXesha lokuSebenzisa
  • Abasebenzisi booMatshini bokwenza umbane baMandla amaNcinci (SSEG) baya kufakwe kwiNtlawulo zesigxina kunye nezeXesha lokuSetyenziswa koMbane

Ulwazi oluthe vetshe malunga nokuqonda iindleko zombane ezinokwenzeka kunye nolawulo lwemithwalo, kunye nendlela yokwenza isigqibo malunga nomthamo onokuthi uwukhethe luya kunikezelwa. Hlala ujonge kumakhasi ethu onxibelelwano noluNtu nakwiwebhusayithi kamasipala malunga neenkcukacha ezithe vetshe.

Issued George Municipality, 4 May 2022

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George Municipality Media
George falls within the Garden Route District Municipality, the third-largest district economy in the Western Cape, after the City of Cape Town and the Cape Winelands District. The Eden District is also geographically the third-largest district within the Western Cape Province. This district is informally known as the Garden Route, with George, its hub, nestled among the slopes of the majestic Outeniqua Mountains and flanked by the Indian Ocean. Because of the proximity to the ocean, the area enjoys a pleasant, temperate climate. George also enjoys the strategic advantage of being situated on the major transport routes between Cape Town in the south and Port Elizabeth in the east. This creates investment opportunities, particularly with regard to manufacturing, logistics and warehousing. Communications Manager: Chantel Edwards-Klose cjedwardsklose@george.gov.za