3 Amigos Mossel Bay to George Relay Challenge.

Three challenged athletes, one goal.
On the 25th May 2021 at 07h00, three people living with disabilities will attempt to build a “Bridge” between Mossel Bay and George by participating in a three man relay.
Fltr is Pieter Koekemoer, Carl de Compos and Sean Snyman
Pieter Koekemoer a police officer in the service of the Mossel Bay SAPS who is an amputee with his right leg being removed from just below the knee will cycle from the tourist office in Mossel Bay to Greatbrak. A distance of 25km.
Carl De Campos, a visually impaired athlete will then take over the reigns where upon he will run 15km on the back roads past Glentana towards the Airport for the next 15km.
Sean Snyman, a 57 year old with a brachial plexus of the right arm which is no longer operational will complete the trio will take over the baton and complete the 55km course.
The aim of this challenge which will take place on Africa day is to show case the tenacity of people living with disabilities and also to raise funds for beach wheelchairs to be used in both towns allowing wheelchair users the opportunity to experience the sea which up until now has not been possible. These wheelchairs are expensive and cost approximately R60 000 each and we would like to see at least 2 in the District but more would be better. They will also be carrying a message from the Mossel Bay to George committing to creating a better environment for people living with disabilities and creating the preferred destination for them through acknowledging the right to Universal Accessibility.
We are appealing to you as individuals, companies and organizations to help us realize this dream by pledging your support in this document but also by committing to a donation which will be used for this cause.
The Disabled Road Race Foundation has offered to assist us with the fund collection with the following banking details.
Disabled Road Race Foundation
Current Account
Account number 2506031006
Branch Code 198765
Reference 3 Amigos Relay Challenge email
Proof of payment to business@bip2965.co.za
Please take the liberty of sharing this link to all your friends and family not to mention businesses that you believe will get behind this project.
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Herman Pienaar
23 years ago Herman and his wife Carina, with their 2 daughters moved to George in the beautiful Garden Route region of South Africa. He has a passion for the people of the region and is involved in many humanitarian projects. He is co-owner of the popular Facebook group called Georgiete Staan Saam with a membership of 84 500. He is a connector and an activist for unity and works tirelessly to help all communities in George and the Garden Route to realise that the answer for the political, business and socio-economical problems of the area is to stand together, plan together and working together at a common sustainable goal of alleviating poverty.Herman is the CEO of the Love Garden Route NPC and is one of the founders of the Love George movement. He is the owner and founder of the GardenrouteNEWS platform (previously Lovegeorge NEWS) and the online radio stations RadioCSA. For 32 years Herman specializes in web development and web design and through his business also offer web-hosting, email-hosting and domain-hosting.As a Pastor he has presented over 40 men's and women's camps where the main focus is to assist and guide Christians in discovering who and whose they are, discovering their true calling and then activate them into their true Prophetic and Apostolic calling.