Strategies at its Best


A while back I came upon this very simple yet elegant process for helping to clarify the thinking in terms of a strategic plan for businesses, large or small.  It could work for one’s personal life as well.  After all, a family is just like a business!

Many companies have a strategic plan, often a document about 75mm thick and it is stuck away in a filing cabinet and the only one who knows its contents is the MD and the business consultant who wrote it for them.

Ideally, a Strategic Plan needs to be no longer than 1 page and everyone on the staff needs to know what’s it in.  And the staff need to live by this plan, they are the one’s who will implement it.

Here are the elements that need to be addressed:

  1. VISION – This is a clear picture of your destination.  Where you are going and what you want to become.

2. MISSION – The driving purpose of your business, who you are and what you do.

3. VALUES – The guide you use for decision making and how you treat each other and your clients.

4. OBJECTIVES – The numbers you track.  What do you measure?

5. STRATEGIES – The paths you have decided to take.  Or the “how” of accomplishing your objectives.

6. PRIORITIES – The work that needs to get done and who needs to do it.

There needs to be an overall Strategic Plan for the business and each Department needs to have its own Strategic Plan.

Everyone in the business needs to know what the Plan is and all of them need to live it every day. This becomes the driving force of the business with everyone on board. No grey areas!

If you would like some help drawing up your Strategic Plan, I am available to spend a few hours with your team one morning to walk you through the process.

Remember the old saying:  “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”!

mobile: +(27) 82 920 5231
Wilderness, Western Cape, 6560