Posters and Banners, the do’s and dont’s of putting them up in George


Issued George Municipality, 14 th November , for immediate release
Afrikaans onderaan hierdie berig

George Municipality would like to advise all organisations and individuals who wish to put up posters and/or banners prior to the festive season that it is illegal in terms of our Standard Bylaw regarding Streets (PK 565/1987) to put up posters in the George jurisdiction without prior permission of the Municipality. Organisations and individuals alike should further take note that there is an application process and deposits, and fees are payable. All requirements in the Bylaw need to be met and will be strictly enforced.

Permission for the erection of posters on lamp posts is granted, in accordance with the Regulation regarding Advertisement Signs and the Defacement of the Façade on the Forefront of Streets (PK 565/1958) and the Standard Bylaw regarding Streets (PK 565/1987) to: Individuals erecting posters for municipal and/or parliamentary elections and meetings; Political parties as well as the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) to erect posters during the official IEC voter registration week/weekends; An institution which holds sports events on a provincial, national or international level; An institution that organises festivals which receive financial support from Council.

  1. Only one poster per event may be displayed on a lamp post with the understanding that two posters may be positioned back-to-back. These posters may be positioned two weeks before an event and may only be fixed to the lamp posts by means of using rope or a similar material. No adhesive material may be used for this purpose. A maximum of 100 posters may be displayed in instances where sports events and festivals are taking place.
  2. Posters must be removed on or before the fourth weekday after the event.
  3. Wording of the poster must be factual and may not offend any person, race or belief. The municipality also retains the right to remove any poster without providing explanation, where such poster hinders the visibility of any traffic sign or if management deems it ineligible for a poster to be displayed at a specific location.
  4. Should an individual/organisation neglect to remove all posters that they have displayed, they will forfeit the deposit or a part thereof, depending on the costs involved in the removal of said posters. The Poster or the artwork must be submitted via the Tourism Department for approval within a reasonable timeframe before it is displayed or erected.
  5. The official stamp must be affixed on each of the approved posters once the applicable fees are paid.

Banners can only be applied at five (5) specific municipal sites namely; York Street (from Pacaltsdorp before train bridge and on left side); Langenhoven Road, Knysna Road, Sandkraal Road (from Thembalethu in front of SANTA fence) and Unity Park in York Street.

  1. The banners sites must be pre-booked with a deposit paid.
    They may only be a maximum size of 3.5 m x 1m, and no political, liquor or cigarette advertisement with offensive wording on banners will be allowed.
  2. Banners may only be up for a period of two weeks and must be removed by the applicant.

The distribution of pamhlets/flyers at traffic intersections and on public roads is not permitted in terms of National Road Traffic Act 92 of 1996, Section 319 as well as the George Municipal By-Law relating to Roads and Streets.

The public, business and organisations are further advised that the George Municipal Logo and Crest are registered as the intellectual property of the George Municipality, and as such can only be used by the George Municipality for official purposes, unless otherwise authorised by Council. No business, organisation and/or individual has the right to use the George Municipal logo in any social or printed media, and or including any marketing items such as caps, tshirts, banners, posters and flyers etc.

Where a business, organisation or individual is collaborating with a municipal department on a project, prior approval must always be requested before using the municipal logo in any format. This will be granted on condition that the project and/or event is endorsed by the municipality officially, and that the product or marketing material which is produced is in good taste, not offensive and adheres to the guidelines as set out by the George Municipal Corporate Identity Manual.

Contact for Posters and Banners

Heloine America ● +27 44 801 9295 ●

Download the application form




Openbare kennisgewing: Plakkate en baniere, die moets en moenies om dit in George op te sit
Uitgereik George Munisipaliteit, 4 November, vir onmiddellike vrystelling

George Munisipaliteit wil graag alle organisasies en individue wat voor die feestyd plakkate en/of baniere wil opsit, verwittig dat dit onwettig is ingevolge ons Standaardverordening rakende Strate (PK 565/1987) om plakkate in die George jurisdiksie op te sit, sonder vooraf toestemming van die Munisipaliteit. Organisasies sowel as individue moet verder kennis neem dat daar ‘n aansoekproses is, deposito’s en fooie is betaalbaar. Alle vereistes in die Verordening moet nagekom word en sal streng toegepas word.


Toestemming vir die oprigting van plakkate op lamppale word verleen, ooreenkomstig die Regulasie insake Advertensietekens en die skending van die fasade op die voorkant van strate (PK 565/1958) en die Standaardverordening rakende strate (PK 565/1987) tot: Individue wat plakkate oprig vir munisipale en/of parlementêre verkiesings en vergaderings; politieke partye sowel as die Onafhanklike Verkiesingskommissie (OVK) om plakkate tydens die amptelike OVK-kiesersregistrasieweek/naweke op te rig; ‘n Instelling wat sportbyeenkomste op ‘n provinsiale, nasionale of internasionale vlak hou; ‘n Instelling wat feeste reël wat finansiële ondersteuning van die Raad ontvang.

  1. Slegs een plakkaat per geleentheid mag op ‘n lamppaal vertoon word met dien verstande dat twee plakkate rug-aan-rug geplaas mag word. Hierdie plakkate mag twee weke voor ‘n geleentheid geplaas word en mag slegs deur middel van tou of soortgelyke materiaal aan die lamppale vasgemaak word. Geen kleefmateriaal mag vir hierdie doel gebruik word nie. ‘n Maksimum van 100 plakkate mag vertoon word in gevalle waar sportgeleenthede en feeste plaasvind.
  2. Plakkate moet voor of op die vierde weeksdag ná die geleentheid verwyder word.
  3. Bewoording van die plakkaat moet feitelik wees en mag geen persoon, ras of oortuiging aanstoot gee nie. Die munisipaliteit behou ook die reg voor om enige plakkaat te verwyder sonder om ‘n verduideliking te verskaf, waar sodanige plakkaat die sigbaarheid van enige verkeersteken belemmer of indien die bestuur besluit dat ‘n plakkaat nie kwalifiseer om op ‘n spesifieke plek vertoon word nie.
  4. Indien ‘n individu/organisasie nalaat om alle plakkate wat hulle vertoon het, te verwyder, sal hulle die deposito of ‘n gedeelte daarvan verbeur, afhangende van die koste verbonde aan die verwydering van genoemde plakkate. Die plakkaat of die kunswerk moet by die Toerismeafdeling ingedien word vir goedkeuring binne ‘n redelike tydraamvoordat dit vertoon of opgerig word.
  5. Die amptelike stempel moet op elk van die goedgekeurde plakkate aangebring word, sodra die toepaslike fooie betaal is.

Baniere kan slegs by vyf (5) spesifieke munisipale terreine aangebring word, naamlik; Yorkstraat (vanaf Pacaltsdorp voor treinbrug en aan linkerkant); Langenhovenweg, Knysnaweg, Sandkraalweg (vanaf Thembalethu voor SANTA-heining) en Unity Park in Yorkstraat.

  1. Die banier terreine moet vooraf bespreek word met ‘n deposito betaalbaar. Baniere mag slegs ‘n maksimum grootte van 3,5 m x 1 m wees, en geen politieke, drank- of sigaretadvertensies met aanstootlike bewoording sal toegelaat word nie.
  2. Baniere mag slegs vir ‘n tydperk van twee weke op wees en moet deur die aansoeker verwyder word.

Die verspreiding van pamflette/ strooibiljette by verkeerskruisings en op openbare paaie word nie ingevolge die Nasionale Padverkeerswet 92 van 1996, Artikel 319 asook die George Munisipale Verordening met betrekking tot paaie en strate, toegelaat nie.

Die publiek, sakeondernemings en organisasies word hiermee in kennis gestel dat die George-munisipaliteit se Kenteken en Wapen as die intellektuele eiendom van die George-munisipaliteit geregistreer is, en as sodanig slegs deur die George-munisipaliteit vir amptelike doeleindes gebruik kan word, tensy die Raad anders magtig.

Geen besigheid, organisasie en/of individue het die reg om die George Munisipale-kenteken in sosiale of gedrukte media te gebruik nie, en/of enige bemarkingsitems soos pette, t-hemde, baniere, plakkate en strooibiljette ens.

Waar ‘n onderneming, organisasie of individu met ‘n munisipale departement saamwerk aan ‘n projek, moet vooraf goedkeuring gevra word voordat die munisipale kenteken in enige formaat gebruik word. Dit word toegestaan op voorwaarde dat die munisipaliteit die projek en/of die geleentheid amptelik onderskryf, en dat die produk of bemarkingsmateriaal wat geproduseer word in goeie smaak is, nie beledigend is nie en voldoen aan die riglyne soos uiteengesit deur die George Munisipale Korporatiewe Identiteitshandleiding.

Kontak vir plakkate en baniere
Heloine America ● +27 44 801 9295 ●

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Herman Pienaar
23 years ago Herman and his wife Carina, with their 2 daughters moved to George in the beautiful Garden Route region of South Africa. He has a passion for the people of the region and is involved in many humanitarian projects. He is co-owner of the popular Facebook group called Georgiete Staan Saam with a membership of 84 500. He is a connector and an activist for unity and works tirelessly to help all communities in George and the Garden Route to realise that the answer for the political, business and socio-economical problems of the area is to stand together, plan together and working together at a common sustainable goal of alleviating poverty.Herman is the CEO of the Love Garden Route NPC and is one of the founders of the Love George movement. He is the owner and founder of the GardenrouteNEWS platform (previously Lovegeorge NEWS) and the online radio stations RadioCSA. For 32 years Herman specializes in web development and web design and through his business also offer web-hosting, email-hosting and domain-hosting.As a Pastor he has presented over 40 men's and women's camps where the main focus is to assist and guide Christians in discovering who and whose they are, discovering their true calling and then activate them into their true Prophetic and Apostolic calling.