Issued by George MunicipalityGeorge has been named a regional semi-finalist for the prestigious Western Cape title in kykNET’s Kwêla Town of the Year competition. This exciting announcement follows an enthusiastic response from voters in the initial round, as revealed on Kwêla's broadcast tonight at...
International Day of Persons with Disabilities Celebrated Through Nature Exploration
Issued by George Municipality, 13 December 2023, For Immediate ReleaseIn commemoration of the International Day for Persons Living with Disabilities on Sunday, 3 December 2023, the George Municipality's Gender and Disability Desk joined hands with the Association of People with Disability (APD) George and...
Draft By laws need public participation
Several by-laws are available at the George Municipality for public participation, and the significance of involving the public cannot be emphasized enough. Please refer to the list of by-laws that the George Municipality is currently revising at the end of this article. It is...
How to write news article for a community newspaper
Writing a news article for a community newspaper like LoveGeorgeNEWS requires careful consideration of the needs and interests of your local community. Here are some steps to help you write an effective news article for a community newspaper:Choose a Relevant Topic: Select a...