19.8 C

Johann van Tonder

Johann van Tonder is ‘n boorling van George met ‘n groot liefde vir die Suid Kaap, sy natuur en geskiedenis. As redakteur, joernalis, radio persoonlikheid en storieverteller leef hy hom uit in die wêreld van motors en motorfietse en bevind homself gereeld in verskillende dele van die land op die nuutste motor en motorfiets bekendstellings. Onder die vaandel Trailrider Media verskaf hy motor en motorfiets verwante inhoud aan koerante, tydskrifte en verskeie radiostasies.

Good news for Bikers!

If you live in the Garden Route and love biking, you are in for a treat during 2022! After the huge success that was the Cape Adventure Bike Challenge, sponsored by Garden Route Motorcycles both in 2020 and 2021, it...

A Karoo Adventure!

An adventure! That is what the invite to this Suzuki media event promised. And this was to be an event with a twist. We’d be driving both cars and bikes. Being a biker at heart my first thought was:...

Suzuki DL1050XT V-Strom

On the recent Suzuki Karoo Adventure I found myself spending three days on the DL1050XT V-Strom. Having recently bought a new bike in this segment, it was interesting to ride a rival bike for three days. The Suzuki impressed...

Garden Route Motorcycles celebrates 1 year!

In the beginning of 2020 the rumours started. What was happening behind the covered windows at Paddagat Shopping Centre, Shop 2, Cnr 3rd st & Knynsa rd, George? Rumour had it that a new bike shop was about to open...

Honda Africa Twin – ‘n Langtermyn ervaring.

Om ‘n legende te laat herleef is nie maklik nie. Die dag wat Michael Schumacher se seun, Mick, op die wegspring streep in ‘n Formule 1 motor sit sal hy nie kan voorgee dat die van op die kant...

Toyota Urban Cruiser vs Suzuki Vitara Brezza

Toyota het pas die Urban Cruiser bekend gestel en soos die Toyota Starlet, is die model nie net gebasseer op ‘n Suzuki nie, dit is dieselfde voertuig, gebou in dieselfde fabriek deur Maruti Suzuki in Indië. Dit is ‘n...

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